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Good news! Xindao Technology has been awarded the title of National Specialized, Refined, and New “Little Giant” Enterprise!

Release time:2021/07/28 Reading frequency:645

According to the Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Promoting the Development of Small and Medium sized Enterprises with Specialization, Refinement, and Innovation, Xindao Technology has been selected as the third batch of specialized, refined, and innovative “Little Giant” enterprises by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology after being recommended by the municipal and provincial governments for initial review and evaluation.



Unlike the specialized, refined, distinctive, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises that focus on enterprise specialization, refinement, and novelty, the national specialized, refined, and innovative “little giant” enterprises focus on leading enterprises with good economic benefits, strong innovation capabilities, excellent management, high industry status, key core technologies that “fill gaps”, and meet the national key development areas on the basis of “specialization, refinement, and novelty”.



In 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the first notice on cultivating specialized, refined, and innovative “little giant” enterprises. Since Xindao Technology was awarded the title of “specialized, refined, and innovative” enterprise in 2014, it has been successfully selected as the third batch of specialized, refined, and innovative “small giant” enterprises by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology through further development and innovation.



Since its establishment in 2009, Xindao Technology has always adhered to independent research and development, continuous innovation, and has gained high recognition from domestic and foreign markets through its own product advantages and core technology protection.


Being awarded the third batch of specialized, refined, and innovative “Little Giant” enterprises by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology this time is recognition and encouragement from governments at all levels, relevant industry organizations, customers, and partners. It is also a “college entrance examination answer sheet” handed over by Xindao for 12 years of development.



2021 is a year of rapid development in China’s integrated circuit industry, and it is also an important opportunity for us to break foreign monopolies and promote the localization of chips.


In the future, Xindao Technology will adhere to the corporate mission of “focusing on technological innovation and value creation, providing customers with excellent products and services, achieving coexistence and win-win for customers, employees, ecological partners, and the enterprise”, adhering to the values of “achieving customers, unity and cooperation, integrity and enthusiasm, and pursuing excellence”, exploring and cultivating talents, continuously increasing research and development efforts and investment, and actively expanding domestic manufacturers with quality and qualifications, Promote the process of domestic substitution, fill domestic gaps and shortcomings, and at the same time, we will continue to develop overseas markets to enable domestic chips to go global, go further, and go better!


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